Sound Material

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About Sound
Sound is a sound wave generated by the vibration of an object. It is a wave phenomenon that spreads through a medium (air, solid, liquid) and can be perceived by human or animal auditory organs. The object that initially vibrates (vibrates) is called a sound source. Sound vibrates (vibrates) and propagates in the form of waves. Sound is the motion formed by the propagation of sound waves through any medium.
Sound is a type of wave. The sound that can be recognized by the human ear (frequency between 20 Hz and 20000 Hz) is called sound.
In physics, pitch refers to the height of musical notes, loudness refers to the strength of sound, and timbre refers to the characteristics of sound, which should be distinguished.
Sound, as a type of wave, has frequency and amplitude as important properties for describing waves. The magnitude of frequency corresponds to what we commonly refer to as pitch, while amplitude affects the magnitude of sound. Sound can be decomposed into the superposition of sine waves of different frequencies and intensities. The process of transformation (or decomposition) is called Fourier transform.

Sound characteristics
1.Loudness: The subjective perception of the size of a sound (commonly known as volume) by a person, determined by the amplitude and the distance between the person and the sound source. The larger the amplitude, the greater the loudness, the smaller the distance between the person and the sound source, and the greater the loudness. (Unit: decibels dB)
2.Pitch: The pitch of a sound (high and low) is determined by its frequency. The higher the frequency, the higher the pitch (frequency unit: Hz, Hertz, human auditory range: 20-20000Hz). Below 20Hz is called infrasound, above 20000Hz is called ultrasound.
3.Frequency is the number of sound waves passing through a given point per second, measured in hertz and named after Heinrich Rudolf Hertz.
4.Timbre: also known as timbre, the waveform determines the timbre of a sound. Sound varies due to the characteristics of object materials, and timbre itself is an abstract thing, but waveform is an intuitive representation of this abstraction. Different waveforms result in different timbres. Different timbres can be completely distinguished through waveforms.
5.Music: A rhythmic and pleasant sound. Noise: From a physical perspective, the sound produced by an irregular vibration of a speaker; From an environmental protection perspective, any sound that interferes with people's normal work, study, and rest, as well as any sound that interferes with the sound people want to hear.
6.Tone, loudness, and timbre are the three main characteristics of musical notes, and people distinguish sounds based on them.

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